I was saved through the ministry of Fourth Baptist Church a long, long time ago, when a high school friend invited me to a youth activity and I was able to hear the gospel. The Holy Spirit began working in my heart and several months later, I received Jesus as my Savior. At Pillsbury College, I met a handsome young man named Jim McLeish, and this past August, we celebrated 50 years of marriage! God has blessed us with 5 children and
6 grandchildren (3 of whom attend FBCS).
We spent 30 wonderful years in Alexandria, MN where my husband pastored a church and also served as director of Baptists for Life. Who would have thought that after all that time the Lord would lead us back to Fourth to serve in the Golden Agers ministry for 13 years?
We retired in 2020. I guess retirement didn’t quite stick because I am the new Art teacher here at FBCS. I am so very thankful to be able share my love of art with the students, and to work alongside such dedicated folks.